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Naarmate duurzame bouwmethoden aan populariteit winnen, geautoclaveerd cellenbeton (AAC) blokken zijn naar voren gekomen als een haalbaar alternatief voor traditioneel metselwerk, met voordelen variërend van isolatie-eigenschappen tot milieuvriendelijkheid. Producing these innovative building blocks requires specialized automated machinery integrated with upstream and downstream processes.

aac blok maken machine

How AAC Blocks are Made

The primary ingredients of cement, limoen, zand, water and aluminum powder are proportioned and mixed. This slurry is then fed into an AAC blokkenmachine where it is poured into molds. Within the molds, tiny air bubbles form creating a lightweight expanded material as it cures. Vibrating screens help release air pockets for an even cell structure. Cured blocks are then steam cured in an autoclave for several hours.

Key Components of AAC Machines

  • SolidsMixing: Precision gravimetric batching blends dry materials which are mixed thoroughly to a consistency similar to wet concrete.
  • Liquid Addition: Water proportioning systemsachieve uniform slurry rheology critical to quality bubbles.
  • Vormen: Computer-controlled pouring fills molds mounted on an indexed conveyor. Vibratory screens settle material.
  • Cutting/Demolding: Hydraulic rams push blocks out as the mold returns, severing any excess with wire.
  • Uitharding: Steam autoclaves use saturated steam to hydrothermally cure the cement reaction fully activating the material’s properties.
  • Packaging/Stacking: Robotic arms transfer blocks to pallets where wrapping/banding readies for transport.

Automated Production Benefits

Quality assurance stems from repeatable robotic batching and molding. Throughput can reach up to 50,000 blocks monthly from continuous operation versus intermittent manual systems. Precise slurry parameters and steam curing cycles result in uniform product free of voids or fractures. Remote monitoring streamlines maintenance lowering downtime.

Applications of AAC

its light weight, insulation properties and fire resistance make AAC suitable for internal and external walls, floors and roofs. Specific projects include multi-family housing, commercial buildings needing soundproofing, emergency housing or structures in seismic zones. Pre-cut sizes ease assembly into efficient modular construction reducing wastage.

As sustainability becomes ever more crucial within the construction industry, AAC building material innovation alongside automated manufacturing equipment provides a viable eco-friendly alternative to traditional masonry construction worldwide.