Vao haingana, ny Vaomieram-pirenena ho an’ny fampandrosoana sy ny fanavaozana sy ny minisiteran’ny Harena voajanahary no niara-namoaka ny “Drafitra ankapobeny ho an'ny tetikasa lehibe nasionaly momba ny fiarovana ny tontolo iainana sy ny famerenana amin'ny laoniny (2021-2035)”, which has played a decisive guiding...
RETO Eco-Solutions, Inc. no orinasa voalohany indrindra any Shina, voka-pambolena sy fiompiana, ary manondrana fitaovana fampiasa amin'ny fako be dia be. Izy io ihany koa no mpanamboatra sakana voalohany izay nanondrana fitaovana ho an'ny firenena mandroso toa an'i Etazonia,...
Araka ny takian'ny mpanjifa, andian-asa avy amin'ny famolavolana, ny famokarana sy ny milina fitsapana dia vita tsikelikely. Fanaraha-maso kalitao hentitra, ary ny fitiliana amin'ny lafiny maro dia manaraka ny fanaraha-maso ny kalitao ,enables the new block machine RT15A deliver smoothly to...
In the fierce competition in the market today, as the raise awareness of consumer rights and consumer attitudes change, consumers are purchasing equipment not only pay attention to the product entity itself in the same quality and performance of similar products, but...
In today’s fierce market competition, with the improvement of consumers’ awareness of rights protection and changes in consumption concepts, consumers not only pay attention to the product entity itself when purchasing equipment, but also pay more...