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Il calcestruzzo aerato autoclavato o AAC è un materiale da costruzione sostenibile con eccellenti proprietà di isolamento e insonorizzazione. I blocchi AAC sono leggeri, facile da tagliare e installare e può essere prodotto utilizzando materiali riciclati come ceneri volanti e scorie. UN Macchina per la produzione di blocchi AAC and production line can help produce high quality AAC blocks on an industrial scale.

macchina per la produzione di blocchi aac

AAC blocks are commonly used as wall panels in both commercial and residential construction projects

Compared to traditional brick and block walls, AAC walls offer many benefits:

•InsulationAAC has a higher insulation value compared to concrete blocks, making buildings cooler in summer and warmer in winter. This reduces energy costs for heating and cooling.
•StrengthAAC blocks have compressive strengths comparable to concrete blocks but are around 50% lighter in weight.
•DurabilityAAC can withstand harsh weather conditions and resists mold, moisture and termites. It has a service life of over 50 anni.
•RecyclabilityUp to 80% of the raw materials used in AAC production are recycled waste like fly ash and slag. This makes it an eco-friendly building material.
•Sound insulationThe cellular structure of AAC provides excellent sound absorption, reducing noise transmission between rooms by up to 50%.

An AAC block making machine is used to manufacture AAC blocks in a continuous process

The key components of an AAC production line include:

1.MixerDry ingredients like cement, lime, additives, fillers and sand are mixed uniformly using a screw or drum batch mixer.
2.Foaming agent dosing systemA precise amount of foaming agent like aluminum powder is added to produce the required volume of foam.
3.Molding machine- The wet AAC mix is fed into bottom open molds with dies of different block sizes.
4.VibratorThe filled molds are vibrated to release air bubbles and ensure uniform foam distribution within the blocks.
5.Curing chamberThe molded AAC blocks are cured in a curing chamber at temperatures between 160 A 200 °C for 16 A 24 ore . This triggers a reaction that hardens the blocks.
6.Cooling tunnelThe cured AAC blocks pass through a cooling tunnel to slowly bring them down to room temperature before demolding.
7.Demolding systemThe hardened AAC blocks are removed from the molds and packed for storage and transport.

Some key factors to consider when choosing an AAC block making machine include:

•Production capacityThe machine should have sufficient capacity to meet your required output of AAC blocks per hour. Larger machines with multiple molds can produce up to 50,000 blocchi al giorno.
•Mold dimensionsChoose molds compatible with standard AAC block sizes in your country – 400x200x200 mm, 500x250x200 mm, eccetera.
•ReliabilityOpt for a machine made with durable components and a simple design that is easy to operate and maintain.
•FlexibilityConsider machines that allow production of hollow as well as solid AAC blocks using the same molds and dies.
•Raw material compatibility- Ensure the machine can efficiently produce AAC blocks using the raw materials available in your region.