008613811437192 [email protected]

Wholesale Automatic Block Making Machine

Product Name grosir mesin pembuat blok otomatis
Kekuatan Getaran 80KN
Kekuatan Getaran 2X2.5KW
Motor yang Digerakkan 1.5kw
Siklus Operasi 15~30 detik
Transport Speed 0.1—0.11m/s

We encourage you to connect with REIT for detailed wholesale automatic block making machine data information and to request information on wholesale prices.


What Are wholesale automatic block making machine?

wholesale automatic block making machine are specialized pieces of equipment used to produce concrete building blocks, paver, and other precast concrete products. These machines automate the process of mixing, cetakan, and curing the concrete, allowing for a faster, more efficient, and higher-quality output compared to traditional manual methods. As a leading wholesale automatic block making machine wholesalers, REIT is at the forefront of innovation in the construction industry. Our high-quality, state-of-the-art equipment is helping to transform the way buildings are constructed across China and around the world.
grosir mesin pembuat blok otomatis

How Do wholesale automatic block making machine Work?

  • Loading of raw materials: wholesale automatic block making machine are meticulously fed with the essential ingredients – semen, pasir, kerikil, dan air. This can be done manually or through an automated feeding system, ensuring precise measurements and accurate proportions.
  • Percampuran: Once the raw materials are loaded, wholesale automatic block making machine employ their advanced mechanisms to thoroughly blend them. Utilizing high-speed and high-intensity mixing, they ensure a consistent and well-incorporated concrete mixture.
  • cetakan: The well-mixed concrete is carefully poured into molds of various sizes and shapes. wholesale automatic block making machine utilize their precision engineering to apply the optimal level of compaction and vibration, eliminating air voids and achieving sturdy and uniform blocks.
  • Penyemburan: After the blocks have taken shape, wholesale automatic block making machine efficiently eject them from the molds. This swift process allows for seamless production and minimal downtime.
  • Pengobatan: The ejected blocks are then transferred to a designated curing area, where they undergo a controlled curing process. This crucial stage promotes hydration and gradual strength development, resulting in robust and durable final products.


The Versatile Applications of wholesale automatic block making machine

  • Residential construction: From solid foundations to sturdy walls, wholesale automatic block making machine find extensive use in residential construction projects. They provide the necessary concrete blocks, ensuring strength and durability in homes and residential buildings.
  • Commercial construction: wholesale automatic block making machine play a crucial role in commercial construction as well. They produce high-quality concrete blocks used in the construction of office buildings, shopping centers, gudang, and other commercial structures, ensuring stability and longevity.
  • Infrastructure projects: Infrastructure development relies heavily on wholesale automatic block making machine. These machines produce concrete blocks that are vital for the construction of bridges, jalan raya, dams, and other large-scale infrastructure projects, providing the necessary strength and reliability.
  • Landscaping: wholesale automatic block making machine also contribute to creating beautiful outdoor spaces. They produce concrete pavers and retaining wall blocks, which are widely used in landscaping applications such as driveways, teras, and retaining walls, adding both functionality and aesthetics.


Produk Kapasitas RT15A Sampel
Batu untuk melapisi jalan
Potongan/Pallet 60
m2/Jam 216
10000m2/Tahun 103.7
Bata Multi Lubang
Potongan/Pallet 46
Potongan/Jam 11040
10000potongan/Tahun 5299
berongga standar
Potongan/Pallet 15
Potongan/Jam 3000
10000potongan/Tahun 1440
Bata Standar240*115*53 Potongan/Pallet 85
Potongan/Jam 20400
10000potongan/Tahun 9792
Blok Hidrolik Potongan/Pallet 8
Potongan/Jam 1080
10000potongan/Tahun 518
Blok Padat
Potongan/Pallet 15
Potongan/Jam 2700
10000potongan/Tahun 1296
Blok Padat
Potongan/Pallet 18
Potongan/Jam 3240
10000potongan/Tahun 1555.2
Blok Padat
Potongan/Pallet 30
Potongan/Jam 5400
10000potongan/Tahun 2592


WorkShop Show

Pemasok harga mesin pembuat blok beton Cina


How Much Do Your Block Making Machine Plants Cost?

Concrete blocks making machine plants can be divided into fully automatic, kategori otomatis dan semi otomatis. Menurut tingkat otomatisasi dan keluaran harian yang dibutuhkan, harganya bisa bervariasi. Anda dapat mengirim email kepada kami untuk harga berdasarkan kebutuhan spesifik Anda. Kami akan menggabungkan opsi sesuai anggaran Anda.

  • Sistem Pabrik Mesin Blok Sepenuhnya Otomatis berkisar dari AS $550,000 hingga hampir US$1.500.000
  • Sistem Pabrik Mesin Blok Otomatis berkisar dari AS $150,000 untuk kita $450,000
  • Sistem Pabrik Mesin Blok Semi-Otomatis berkisar dari AS $15,000 - KITA $60,000.

Can Your Machines Make Other Products In Addition To Concrete Blocks And Paving Stones?

  • Sangat, dengan perubahan cetakan sederhana mesin kami dapat membuat berbagai macam produk. Beberapa model mesin paling cocok dan lebih menguntungkan bagi Anda untuk menghasilkan produk tertentu daripada yang lain.
  • Mesin kami telah memproduksi berbagai macam produk beton. Saya telah mencantumkan di bawah ini, beberapa dari ratusan produk yang telah diproduksi di peralatan kami.
  • Concrete hollow core building blocks, Blok bangunan padat, Pengaspal jalan yang saling mengunci, Blok Pengontrol Erosi Beton, Batu bata padat dan berinti, Blok bangunan terisolasi, Blok bangunan tanpa mortir, Blok Tembok Penahan.

Do You Sell Equipment Internationally?

Sangat. Kami telah mengirimkan peralatan ke seluruh dunia. Kami menyediakannya di AS,Kanada,Rusia, Korea, Malaysia, India, Timur Tengah Afrika Utara, Iran, Cina juga . Secara keseluruhan, Kami telah memasok peralatan mesin beton di lebih dari 100 negara dan wilayah.

Informasi tambahan

[email protected]
0086 13811437192
0086 13811796510