008613811437192 [email protected]

Harga Mesin Pembuat Balok Sepenuhnya Otomatis

Nama Produk fully automatic block making machine
Kekuatan Getaran 80KN
Kekuatan Getaran 2X2.5KW
Motor yang Digerakkan 1.5kw
Siklus Operasi 15~30 detik
Kecepatan Transportasi 0.1—0,8 m/dtk

Contact REIT to explore more about fully automatic block making machine data information and inquire about its wholesale prices.


Understanding fully automatic block making machine:

fully automatic block making machine refers to specialized equipment that enables the production of concrete building blocks, unit pengerasan jalan, and various other precast concrete items. This state-of-the-art machinery revolutionizes the processes of mixing, membentuk, dan menyembuhkan beton, resulting in a robust, efisien, and high-quality production that far surpasses traditional manual techniques. Sebagai pemimpin fully automatic block making machine price factory in the industry, REIT is at the forefront of construction advancements. Their superior and innovative equipment is reshaping building methodologies in China and globally, setting new standards of excellence.
harga mesin pembuat blok otomatis

How Do fully automatic block making machine Work?

  • Pemuatan bahan mentah: fully automatic block making machine are designed to efficiently load the necessary ingredients like cement, pasir, kerikil, and water into the machine. This can be done either manually or through an automated feeding system.
  • Percampuran: Setelah bahan mentah dimuat, fully automatic block making machine employ a high-speed, high-intensity mixer to thoroughly blend them. This ensures a consistent and well-mixed concrete mixture.
  • cetakan: The well-mixed concrete is then poured into molds of various sizes and shapes. fully automatic block making machine utilize compaction and vibration techniques to eliminate air pockets and create solid and uniform blocks.
  • Penyemburan: Once the blocks are formed, fully automatic block making machine efficiently eject them from the molds, preparing them for the next stage of the manufacturing process.
  • Pengobatan: The ejected blocks are then moved to a dedicated curing area, where they undergo a curing process to achieve optimal strength and durability. This typically involves a specific period of time for the blocks to set and harden.

The Diverse Applications of fully automatic block making machine

  • Konstruksi perumahan: fully automatic block making machine serve as a cornerstone in residential construction, offering a reliable supply of concrete blocks for building strong foundations, robust walls, and other essential components in homes and residential structures.
  • Konstruksi komersial: The versatility of fully automatic block making machine extends to commercial construction, providing high-quality concrete blocks for the construction of office buildings, pusat perbelanjaan, gudang, and various other commercial properties.
  • Proyek infrastruktur: fully automatic block making machine play a vital role in infrastructure development, supplying durable concrete blocks for the construction of bridges, jalan raya, bendungan, and other significant infrastructure projects, memastikan stabilitas dan umur panjang.
  • Lansekap: Enhancing outdoor spaces, fully automatic block making machine produce concrete pavers and retaining wall blocks that find wide application in landscaping projects. They contribute to the creation of visually appealing driveways, teras, dan dinding penahan, blending functionality and aesthetics seamlessly.


Produk Kapasitas RT15A Sampel
Batu untuk melapisi jalan
Potongan/Pallet 60
m2/Jam 216
10000m2/Tahun 103.7
Bata Multi Lubang
Potongan/Pallet 46
Potongan/Jam 11040
10000potongan/Tahun 5299
berongga standar
Potongan/Pallet 15
Potongan/Jam 3000
10000potongan/Tahun 1440
Bata Standar240*115*53 Potongan/Pallet 85
Potongan/Jam 20400
10000potongan/Tahun 9792
Blok Hidrolik Potongan/Pallet 8
Potongan/Jam 1080
10000potongan/Tahun 518
Blok Padat
Potongan/Pallet 15
Potongan/Jam 2700
10000potongan/Tahun 1296
Blok Padat
Potongan/Pallet 18
Potongan/Jam 3240
10000potongan/Tahun 1555.2
Blok Padat
Potongan/Pallet 30
Potongan/Jam 5400
10000potongan/Tahun 2592


Pertunjukan Lokakarya

Pemasok harga mesin pembuat blok beton Cina

Pertanyaan Umum:

Berapa Harga Pabrik Mesin Pembuat Blok Anda?
Harga untuk fasilitas mesin pembuat balok beton kami dapat bervariasi berdasarkan tingkat kecanggihan dan hasil yang diinginkan. Mereka dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi sepenuhnya otomatis, otomatis, dan tipe semi-otomatis. Harga menyesuaikan sesuai dengan tingkat otomatisasi dan output harian yang dibutuhkan. Silakan email kami merinci kebutuhan spesifik Anda, dan kami akan memberikan pilihan sesuai budget anda.

  • Kisaran harga untuk sistem Pabrik Mesin Blok Otomatis Penuh adalah antara AS $550,000 hingga hampir US$1.500.000
  • Sistem Pabrik Mesin Blok Otomatis tersedia dari AS $150,000 untuk kita $450,000
  • Sistem Pabrik Mesin Blok Semi-Otomatis dapat dibeli di AS $15,000 - KITA $60,000.

Bisakah Mesin Anda Memproduksi Barang Lain Selain Balok Beton dan Batu Paving?

  • Memang, mesin kami mampu menghasilkan berbagai macam produk hanya dengan mengubah cetakan. Model mesin tertentu lebih cocok dan lebih bermanfaat untuk membuat produk tertentu.
  • Mesin kami telah menghasilkan beragam barang beton. Berikut adalah beberapa dari ratusan peralatan kami yang telah diproduksi.
  • Item termasuk blok bangunan inti berongga beton, Blok bangunan padat, Pengaspal jalan yang saling mengunci, Blok Pengontrol Erosi Beton, Batu bata padat dan berinti, Blok bangunan terisolasi, Blok bangunan tanpa mortir, Blok Tembok Penahan, dan banyak lagi.

Apakah Anda Menawarkan Pengiriman Internasional untuk Peralatan Anda?
Sangat. Kami memiliki rekam jejak yang terbukti dalam pengiriman peralatan ke seluruh dunia, termasuk negara dan wilayah seperti Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Rusia, Korea, Malaysia, India, Timur Tengah, Afrika Utara, Iran, Cina, dll.. Semua seutuhnya, peralatan mesin beton kami telah selesai 100 negara dan wilayah.

Informasi tambahan

[email protected]
0086 13811437192
0086 13811796510