008613811437192 [email protected]

Automatic Paver Block Making Machine

Product Name mesin pembuat paving blok otomatis
Kekuatan Getaran 80KN
Kekuatan Getaran 2X2.5KW
Motor yang Digerakkan 1.5kw
Siklus Operasi 15~30 detik
Transport Speed 0.1—0.11m/s

Feel free to make contact with REIT for more information about automatic paver block making machine data and to ask about the wholesale price.


Understanding automatic paver block making machine:

automatic paver block making machine represent dedicated equipment that enables the creation of concrete building blocks, paving units, and a variety of other precast concrete items. This contemporary machinery streamlines the methods of mixing, membentuk, and curing concrete, which results in a robust, efisien, and superior quality production, much surpassing traditional manual techniques. As a top-tier automatic paver block making machine manufacturer, REIT is positioned at the cutting edge of construction industry advancements. Their superior and innovative equipment is reshaping the foundations of building methodologies within China and globally.
mesin pembuat paving blok otomatis

How Do automatic paver block making machine Work?

  • Raw material loading: automatic paver block making machine are designed to efficiently load the necessary ingredients like cement, pasir, kerikil, and water into the machine. This can be done either manually or through an automated feeding system.
  • Percampuran: Once the raw materials are loaded, automatic paver block making machine employ a high-speed, high-intensity mixer to thoroughly blend them. This ensures a consistent and well-mixed concrete mixture.
  • cetakan: The well-mixed concrete is then poured into molds of various sizes and shapes. automatic paver block making machine utilize compaction and vibration techniques to eliminate air pockets and create solid and uniform blocks.
  • Penyemburan: Once the blocks are formed, automatic paver block making machine efficiently eject them from the molds, preparing them for the next stage of the manufacturing process.
  • Pengobatan: The ejected blocks are then moved to a dedicated curing area, where they undergo a curing process to achieve optimal strength and durability. This typically involves a specific period of time for the blocks to set and harden.

The Versatile Applications of automatic paver block making machine

  • Residential construction: From solid foundations to sturdy walls, automatic paver block making machine find extensive use in residential construction projects. They provide the necessary concrete blocks, ensuring strength and durability in homes and residential buildings.
  • Commercial construction: automatic paver block making machine play a crucial role in commercial construction as well. They produce high-quality concrete blocks used in the construction of office buildings, shopping centers, gudang, and other commercial structures, ensuring stability and longevity.
  • Infrastructure projects: Infrastructure development relies heavily on automatic paver block making machine. These machines produce concrete blocks that are vital for the construction of bridges, jalan raya, dams, and other large-scale infrastructure projects, providing the necessary strength and reliability.
  • Landscaping: automatic paver block making machine also contribute to creating beautiful outdoor spaces. They produce concrete pavers and retaining wall blocks, which are widely used in landscaping applications such as driveways, teras, and retaining walls, adding both functionality and aesthetics.


Produk Kapasitas RT15A Sampel
Batu untuk melapisi jalan
Potongan/Pallet 60
m2/Jam 216
10000m2/Tahun 103.7
Bata Multi Lubang
Potongan/Pallet 46
Potongan/Jam 11040
10000potongan/Tahun 5299
berongga standar
Potongan/Pallet 15
Potongan/Jam 3000
10000potongan/Tahun 1440
Bata Standar240*115*53 Potongan/Pallet 85
Potongan/Jam 20400
10000potongan/Tahun 9792
Blok Hidrolik Potongan/Pallet 8
Potongan/Jam 1080
10000potongan/Tahun 518
Blok Padat
Potongan/Pallet 15
Potongan/Jam 2700
10000potongan/Tahun 1296
Blok Padat
Potongan/Pallet 18
Potongan/Jam 3240
10000potongan/Tahun 1555.2
Blok Padat
Potongan/Pallet 30
Potongan/Jam 5400
10000potongan/Tahun 2592


WorkShop Show

Pemasok harga mesin pembuat blok beton Cina

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Is the Price Range of Your Block Making Machine Plants?
The cost of our concrete block making machine facilities varies depending on their complexity and required output. They are categorized into fully automated, otomatis, and semi-automated systems. Prices change depending on the level of automation and demanded daily output. Feel free to send us an email indicating your particular requirements, and we will offer options within your financial limits.

  • Fully Automated Block Machine Plant systems have prices ranging from US $550,000 hingga hampir US$1.500.000
  • Automatic Block Machine Plant systems are priced between US $150,000 untuk kita $450,000
  • Semi-Automated Block Machine Plant systems cost from US $15,000 - KITA $60,000.

Can Your Machines Manufacture Products Other than Concrete Blocks and Paving Stones?

  • Undeniably, our machines have the ability to produce a plethora of products by just changing the molds. Some machine models are more efficient and profitable when it comes to manufacturing specific products.
  • The variety of concrete products our machines have produced is extensive. Below are a few of the hundreds of products manufactured using our equipment.
  • The list includes Concrete hollow core construction blocks, Blok bangunan padat, Pengaspal jalan yang saling mengunci, Blok Pengontrol Erosi Beton, Batu bata padat dan berinti, Insulated building blocks, Blok bangunan tanpa mortir, Blok Tembok Penahan, among others.

Do You Ship Your Equipment Internationally?
Ya, indeed. We have successfully handled equipment deliveries worldwide, including locations such as USA, Kanada, Rusia, Korea, Malaysia, India, Timur Tengah, Afrika Utara, Iran, China, dll.. In total, our concrete machinery equipment has reached over 100 territories and regions.

Informasi tambahan

[email protected]
0086 13811437192
0086 13811796510