008613811437192 [email protected]
Be proud of Reto and cheer for Reto’s leader!

Be proud of Reto and cheer for Reto’s leader!

Pada 4:00 pm on December 22, 2017 U.S. time, RETO Ecological Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: RETO shares, stock code: TANTANGAN) held a bell ringing ceremony on Nasdaq. Li Hengfang, Chairman of Reto Co., Ltd., Dai Guangfeng, Chief Operating Officer, Hu Zhizhong, Vice President, and...

Mesin REIT, Kualitas Luar Biasa, Layanan Berharga

Mesin REIT, Kualitas Luar Biasa, Layanan Berharga

Dalam persaingan ketat di pasar saat ini, seiring dengan meningkatnya kesadaran akan hak-hak konsumen dan perubahan sikap konsumen, konsumen yang membeli peralatan tidak hanya memperhatikan entitas produk itu sendiri dalam kualitas dan kinerja yang sama dengan produk serupa, but...

Beijing REIT menyumbangkan keharuman pada langit biru dan awan putih.

Questions and answers on the recycling of construction waste

Q: What are the promotion models for the recycling of construction waste? A: PPP mode. PPP (Public-private Partnership), the public-private partnership model, under this model, the government encourages private enterprises to participate in the construction of...

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