008613811437192 [email protected]
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Block Making Machine Factory

Produkt Namme blok making machine
Vibration Force 80KN
Vibration Power 2X2.5KW
Oandreaune Motor 1.5kw
Operaasje Cycle 15~30s
Transport Speed 0.1-0,8 m/s

We encourage you to connect with REIT for detailed block making machine data information and to request information on wholesale prices.


What is block making machine:

block making machine represents specialized equipment used for manufacturing concrete building blocks, paving ienheden, and various precast concrete items. This advanced machinery optimizes the processes of mixing, foarmjaan, en harding beton, resultearret yn in robúst, effisjint, and high-quality production that outperforms traditional manual techniques. As liedend blok meitsjen masine fabryk, REIT is at the forefront of construction industry innovation. Their exceptional and groundbreaking equipment is reshaping the foundations of building methodologies in China and globally, paving the way for superior and sustainable construction practices.
blok meitsjen masine fabryk

How Do block making machine Work?

  • Opladen fan grûnstoffen: With block making machine, de earste stap is om de masine te laden mei de nedige yngrediïnten lykas semint, sân, grint, en wetter. Dit kin dien wurde mei de hân of fia in automatisearre feeding systeem.
  • Mixing: Sadree't de grûnstoffen wurde laden, block making machine ensures thorough mixing by using a high-speed and high-intensity mixer. Dit proses soarget derfoar dat de konkrete blend is konsekwint en goed kombinearre.
  • Molding: Nei it mingen is foltôge, it konkrete mingsel wurdt getten yn mallen fan ferskate grutte en foarmen. block making machine then applies compaction and vibration techniques to remove air pockets and achieve a uniform and solid structure.
  • Ejection: Sadree't de blokken binne foarme, block making machine efficiently ejects them from the molds. Dizze stap is krúsjaal by it tarieden fan de blokken foar de folgjende faze fan it produksjeproses.
  • Curing: De útstutsen blokken wurde dan ferpleatst nei in oanwiisd genêzingsgebiet wêr't se meie wurde genêzen en harden oer in spesifike perioade fan tiid, typysk 24-48 oeren. Dit genêzingsproses soarget derfoar dat de blokken optimale sterkte en duorsumens berikke.


The Diverse Applications of block making machine

  • Wenningbou: block making machine serve as a cornerstone in residential construction, offering a reliable supply of concrete blocks for building strong foundations, robust walls, and other essential components in homes and residential structures.
  • Kommersjele bou: The versatility of block making machine extends to commercial construction, providing high-quality concrete blocks for the construction of office buildings, winkelsintrum sintrums, pakhuzen, and various other commercial properties.
  • Ynfrastruktuerprojekten: block making machine play a vital role in infrastructure development, supplying durable concrete blocks for the construction of bridges, rykswegen, dammen, and other significant infrastructure projects, ensuring stability and longevity.
  • Landscaping: Enhancing outdoor spaces, block making machine produce concrete pavers and retaining wall blocks that find wide application in landscaping projects. They contribute to the creation of visually appealing driveways, patios, en stipemuorren, blending functionality and aesthetics seamlessly.


Produkt Kapasiteit RT15A Foarbyld
Stik / Pallet 60
m2/oere 216
10000m2/jier 103.7
Multi Hole Brick
Stik / Pallet 46
Stik / oere 11040
10000stik / Jier 5299
Standert Holle
Stik / Pallet 15
Stik / oere 3000
10000stik / Jier 1440
Standert Brick240 * 115 * 53 Stik / Pallet 85
Stik / oere 20400
10000stik / Jier 9792
Hydraulic blok Stik / Pallet 8
Stik / oere 1080
10000stik / Jier 518
Solid blok
Stik / Pallet 15
Stik / oere 2700
10000stik / Jier 1296
Solid blok
Stik / Pallet 18
Stik / oere 3240
10000stik / Jier 1555.2
Solid blok
Stik / Pallet 30
Stik / oere 5400
10000stik / Jier 2592


WorkShop Show

China betonblok meitsjen masine priis leveransier


How Much Do Your Block Making Machine Plants Cost?

Concrete blocks making machine plants can be divided into fully automatic, automatyske en semy-automatyske kategoryen. Neffens de graad fan automatisearring en deistige útfier nedich, de prizen kinne fariearje. Jo kinne ús maile foar in priis basearre op jo spesifike behoeften. Wy sille opsjes binnen jo budzjet gearstelle.

  • Fully Automated Block Machine Plant systemen fariearje fan US $550,000 oant hast US $ 1.500.000
  • Automatyske Block Machine Plant systemen fariearje fan US $150,000 oan ús $450,000
  • Semi-Automated Block Machine Plant systemen fariearje fan US $15,000 - ÚS $60,000.

Can Your Machines Make Other Products In Addition To Concrete Blocks And Paving Stones?

  • Absolút, mei in ienfâldige skimmelferoaring kinne ús masines in breed ferskaat oan produkten meitsje. Guon modellen fan masines binne it bêste geskikt en rendabeler foar jo om bepaalde produkten op te produsearjen dan oaren.
  • Us masines hawwe in breed ferskaat oan betonprodukten produsearre. Ik haw hjirûnder neamd, in pear fan 'e hûnderten produkten dy't binne produsearre op ús apparatuer.
  • Concrete hollow core building blocks, Solide boublokken, Yninoar sletten strjitten, Beton Erosion Control blokken, Fêste en kearnstiennen, Isolearre boustiennen, Bouwblokken sûnder mortel, Stêdmuorre blokken.

Do You Sell Equipment Internationally?

Absolút. Wy hawwe ferstjoerd apparatuer oer de hiele world.we levere yn USA,Kanada,Ruslân, Korea, Maleizje, Yndia, Midden-easten Noard-Afrika, Iran, Sina ek . Yn totaal, Wy hawwe foarsjoen fan beton masines apparatuer yn oer 100 lannen en gebiet.

Oanfoljende ynformaasje

[email protected]
0086 13811437192
0086 13811796510