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The block production machine is a mechanical equipment that uses fly ash, crushed construction waste, grint, and stone powder as raw materials to produce new environmentally friendly materials such as blocks and cement bricks. New wall materials are mainly blocks and cement bricks. There are many types of block machines, lykas hollow block machine en cement block maker machine.The performance of block production machine plays a vital role in the quality of bricks.

Structural principle and characteristics of block production machine

(1) The block machine is fixed, table-vibrating, and mechanically demoulding. The design of this model is advanced and reasonable, with a wide range of applications. It uses a reducer and a brake magnet to surround the demoulding.

(2) It uses 4 kolommen, accurate positioning, stable mold balance, small block burrs, and good appearance.

(3) The mold is easy to replace, simple, and easy to maintain.

(4) The small block machine is suitable for 1-3 people to complete, with a convenient number of operators, and is suitable for general production users.

Quality indicators and testing methods of blocks

Quality indicators and testing methods of blocks

Masonry structure is one of the important components of a building and plays a vital role in the stability and durability of the building. In order to ensure the quality of the masonry structure, construction quality assessment becomes an indispensable link.

I. Strength

The strength of brick masonry is one of the important indicators to measure its quality. The strength of blocks is related to the quality of its raw materials and production process. Common block strength indicators include compressive strength and tensile strength, among which compressive strength is one of the most important indicators. The common compressive strength requirements of blocks range from 3.5MPa to 35MPa, and the specific regulations are based on actual needs.

2. Water absorption rate

The water absorption rate of blocks refers to the amount of water absorbed by the unpainted area of ​​the unit area of ​​the brick, and its size mainly depends on the porosity and capillary pore size of the blocks. Excessive water absorption of blocks will make their anti-aging properties worse, easy to absorb moisture, and easy to crack. Dêrom, the water absorption rate of blocks in residential masonry should be less than 15%.

3. Dimension deviation

The dimensional deviation of blocks in brick masonry directly affects the quality and construction quality of blocks. It is divided into three directions: longitudinal, transverse and facing. The dimensional deviation requirements of blocks are generally implemented according to standard regulations. Bygelyks, the common specifications are 240mm×115mm×53mm (length×width×height), and the allowable dimensional deviation is ±2mm.

4. Surface quality

The surface quality of brick masonry directly affects the beauty and construction effect of masonry. The surface quality inspection of blocks requires scientific methods and technical means, and generally detects surface defects by naked eyes and light irradiation. Allowable surface defects such as cracks, holes, mis-layers, brown spots, poor sintering, ensfh., as well as surface protrusions, depressions and hammer marks, ensfh., should comply with the standard requirements.

5. Common block detection methods

Common block detection methods include sampling inspection, destructive inspection, non-destructive inspection, ensfh. Among them, sampling inspection is very effective for batch inspection, which can detect the size, strength and other indicators of blocks; destructive inspection is an effective strength detection method, and its strength is measured by a universal testing machine; non-destructive inspection is used to detect the quality of blocks without damaging the blocks. Common methods include ultrasonic detection, electromagnetic wave detection, X-ray detection, ensfh.

The quality indicators of blocks are an important part of masonry engineering. The quality of blocks directly affects the construction effect of masonry engineering and the service life of buildings. Only by choosing a good block machine can you produce blocks that meet the quality standards.

Ruitu provides you with reliable block machines to ensure your production efficiency and quality. Welcome to contact us!

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0086 13811437192
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