Berriki, Garapen eta Erreforma Nazionalaren Batzordea eta Baliabide Naturalen Ministerioak batera igorri zuen “Ekosistemen babes eta zaharberritze garrantzitsuak egiteko plan orokorra (2021-2035)”, which has played a decisive guiding...
RETO Eco-Solutions, Inc. is the earliest company in China to develop, ekoitzi, and export large-scale automatic waste resource utilization equipment. It is also the first block manufacturer that have exported equipment to to developed countries such as USA,...
According to client’s requirement, a series of work from design, production and test machine were completed gradually. Quality inspection strictly, and multi-dimensional testing abide by the quality control ,enables the new block machine RT15A deliver smoothly to...
Gaur egungo merkatuan dagoen lehia gogorrean, kontsumitzaileen eskubideen eta kontsumitzaileen jarreraren sentsibilizazioak aldatzen diren heinean, kontsumitzaileak ekipamendua erosten ari dira, produktuaren entitateari berari erreparatzeaz gain, antzeko produktuen kalitate eta errendimendu berdinean, but...
In today’s fierce market competition, with the improvement of consumers’ awareness of rights protection and changes in consumption concepts, consumers not only pay attention to the product entity itself when purchasing equipment, but also pay more...