008613811437192 [email protected]
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Wholesale Hollow Block Making Machine Supplier

Product Name wholesale hollow block making machine
Bibrazio-indarra 80KN
Bibrazio-potentzia 2X2.5KW
Gidatutako Motorra 1.5kw
Eragiketa Zikloa 15~30s
Transport Speed 0.1—0.17m/s

For more information about wholesale hollow block making machine data and to inquire about the wholesale price, please connect with REIT.


Understanding wholesale hollow block making machine:

wholesale hollow block making machine represent dedicated equipment that enables the creation of concrete building blocks, paving units, and a variety of other precast concrete items. This contemporary machinery streamlines the methods of mixing, shaping, and curing concrete, which results in a robust, efficient, and superior quality production, much surpassing traditional manual techniques. As a top-tier handizkako bloke hutsak egiteko makina hornitzailea, REIT is positioned at the cutting edge of construction industry advancements. Their superior and innovative equipment is reshaping the foundations of building methodologies within China and globally.
handizkako bloke hutsak egiteko makina hornitzailea

How Do wholesale hollow block making machine Work?

  • Raw material loading: The wholesale hollow block making machine is loaded with the necessary ingredients – zementua, harea, legarra, eta ura – either manually or through an automated feeding system.
  • Nahastea: The materials are mixed together in a high-speed, high-intensity mixer to create a consistent concrete blend.
  • Moldeatzea: The concrete mixture is poured into molds of the desired block size and shape, where it is compacted and vibrated to eliminate air pockets and ensure a uniform, dense structure.
  • Ejekzioa: Once the blocks have been formed, the wholesale hollow block making machine ejects them from the molds and moves them to a curing area.
  • Ontzea: The blocks are allowed to cure and harden over a period of time, typically 24-48 orduak, before being removed for packaging and distribution.


The Diverse Applications of wholesale hollow block making machine

  • Residential construction: wholesale hollow block making machine serve as a cornerstone in residential construction, offering a reliable supply of concrete blocks for building strong foundations, robust walls, and other essential components in homes and residential structures.
  • Commercial construction: The versatility of wholesale hollow block making machine extends to commercial construction, providing high-quality concrete blocks for the construction of office buildings, shopping centers, warehouses, and various other commercial properties.
  • Infrastructure projects: wholesale hollow block making machine play a vital role in infrastructure development, supplying durable concrete blocks for the construction of bridges, highways, dams, and other significant infrastructure projects, ensuring stability and longevity.
  • Landscaping: Enhancing outdoor spaces, wholesale hollow block making machine produce concrete pavers and retaining wall blocks that find wide application in landscaping projects. They contribute to the creation of visually appealing driveways, patioak, and retaining walls, blending functionality and aesthetics seamlessly.


Produktua Edukiera RT15A Lagina
Pieza/Palet 60
m2/Ordu 216
10000m2/urte 103.7
Zulo anitzeko adreilua
Pieza/Palet 46
Pieza/Ordua 11040
10000pieza/Urtea 5299
Huts estandarra
Pieza/Palet 15
Pieza/Ordua 3000
10000pieza/Urtea 1440
Adreilu estandarra 240*115*53 Pieza/Palet 85
Pieza/Ordua 20400
10000pieza/Urtea 9792
Bloke Hidraulikoa Pieza/Palet 8
Pieza/Ordua 1080
10000pieza/Urtea 518
Bloke solidoa
Pieza/Palet 15
Pieza/Ordua 2700
10000pieza/Urtea 1296
Bloke solidoa
Pieza/Palet 18
Pieza/Ordua 3240
10000pieza/Urtea 1555.2
Bloke solidoa
Pieza/Palet 30
Pieza/Ordua 5400
10000pieza/Urtea 2592


WorkShop Show

Txinako hormigoizko blokeak egiteko makina prezioen hornitzailea


How Much Do Your Block Making Machine Plants Cost?

Concrete blocks making machine plants can be divided into fully automatic, kategoria automatikoak eta erdi-automatikoak. Behar den automatizazio-mailaren eta eguneroko irteeraren arabera, prezioak alda daitezke. Posta elektronikoz bidali diezagukezu zure behar zehatzen araberako prezioa lortzeko. Zure aurrekontuaren barruan aukerak bilduko ditugu.

  • Erabat Automatizatutako Block Machine Plant sistemak AEBetakoak dira $550,000 ia 1.500.000 dolarretara
  • Bloke automatikoko makina-lantegiko sistemak AEBetakoak dira $150,000 guri $450,000
  • Bloke Makina Erdi Automatizatuen Landareen sistemak AEBetakoak dira $15,000 – AEB $60,000.

Can Your Machines Make Other Products In Addition To Concrete Blocks And Paving Stones?

  • Erabat, molde aldaketa soil batekin gure makinek askotariko produktuak egin ditzakete. Makina modelo batzuk produktu batzuk ekoizteko beste batzuk baino egokienak eta errentagarriagoak dira.
  • Gure makinek hormigoizko produktu ugari fabrikatu dituzte. Jarraian zerrendatu dut, gure ekipoetan ekoitzi diren ehunka produktuetako batzuk.
  • Concrete hollow core building blocks, Eraikuntza-bloke solidoak, Elkarri lotuta dauden kale-zolatzaileak, Hormigoiaren Higadura Kontrolatzeko blokeak, Adreilu trinkoak eta tunelak, Eraikuntza-bloke isolatuak, Mortarrik gabeko eraikuntza-blokeak, Euste-horma blokeak.

Do You Sell Equipment Internationally?

Erabat. Ekipamendua mundu osora bidali dugu. AEBetan hornitu dugu,Kanada,Errusia, Korea, Malaysia, India, Ekialde Ertaina Ipar Afrika, Iran, Txina ere bai . Guztira, guztira, Hormigoizko makineria ekipamendua hornitu dugu 100 herrialdeak eta eremua.

Informazio Gehigarria

[email protected]
0086 13811437192
0086 13811796510