008613811437192 [email protected]
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Eskuzko bloke hutsak egiteko makina

Product Name eskuzko bloke hutsak egiteko makina
Bibrazio-indarra 80KN
Bibrazio-potentzia 2X2.5KW
Gidatutako Motorra 1.5kw
Eragiketa Zikloa 15~30s
Transport Speed 0.1—0.8m/s

Consider reaching out to REIT for a deeper understanding of manual hollow block making machine data and queries about wholesale prices.


Understanding manual hollow block making machine:

manual hollow block making machine represent dedicated equipment that enables the creation of concrete building blocks, paving units, and a variety of other precast concrete items. This contemporary machinery streamlines the methods of mixing, shaping, and curing concrete, which results in a robust, efficient, and superior quality production, much surpassing traditional manual techniques. As a top-tier manual hollow block making machine manufacturers, REIT is positioned at the cutting edge of construction industry advancements. Their superior and innovative equipment is reshaping the foundations of building methodologies within China and globally.
eskuzko bloke hutsak egiteko makina

How Do manual hollow block making machine Work?

  • Raw material loading: manual hollow block making machine are meticulously loaded with the essential ingredients – zementua, harea, legarra, eta ura. This step can be performed manually or through an automated feeding system, ensuring precise measurements.
  • Nahastea: Once the raw materials are loaded, manual hollow block making machine employ their advanced mechanisms to thoroughly mix them. The combination of high-speed and high-intensity mixing ensures a homogeneous and consistent concrete blend.
  • Moldeatzea: The well-mixed concrete is then carefully poured into molds of various sizes and shapes. manual hollow block making machine utilize their precision engineering to apply the right amount of compaction and vibration, eliminating air voids and achieving a solid and uniform structure.
  • Ejekzioa: When the blocks have taken shape, manual hollow block making machine efficiently eject them from the molds. This swift process ensures minimal downtime and smooth workflow.
  • Ontzea: The ejected blocks are then moved to a designated curing area, where they undergo a controlled curing process. This critical step allows the blocks to gain strength and durability over a specific period, resulting in highly resilient and reliable end products.


The Applications of manual hollow block making machine

  • Residential construction: Concrete blocks are a popular choice for building foundations, walls, and other structural elements in homes and other residential buildings.
  • Commercial construction: The manual hollow block making machine can produce blocks for the construction of office buildings, shopping centers, warehouses, and other commercial properties.
  • Infrastructure projects: Concrete blocks are used in the construction of bridges, highways, dams, and other large-scale infrastructure projects.
  • Landscaping: Concrete pavers and retaining wall blocks produced by these machines are commonly used in landscaping applications such as driveways, patioak, and retaining walls.


Produktua Edukiera RT15A Lagina
Pieza/Palet 60
m2/Ordu 216
10000m2/urte 103.7
Zulo anitzeko adreilua
Pieza/Palet 46
Pieza/Ordua 11040
10000pieza/Urtea 5299
Huts estandarra
Pieza/Palet 15
Pieza/Ordua 3000
10000pieza/Urtea 1440
Adreilu estandarra 240*115*53 Pieza/Palet 85
Pieza/Ordua 20400
10000pieza/Urtea 9792
Bloke Hidraulikoa Pieza/Palet 8
Pieza/Ordua 1080
10000pieza/Urtea 518
Bloke solidoa
Pieza/Palet 15
Pieza/Ordua 2700
10000pieza/Urtea 1296
Bloke solidoa
Pieza/Palet 18
Pieza/Ordua 3240
10000pieza/Urtea 1555.2
Bloke solidoa
Pieza/Palet 30
Pieza/Ordua 5400
10000pieza/Urtea 2592


WorkShop Show

Txinako hormigoizko blokeak egiteko makina prezioen hornitzailea

Common Queries:

What’s the Pricing for Your Block Making Machine Plants?
The pricing for our concrete block making machine facilities is subject to variability based on their degree of sophistication and the desired output. They can be classified into fully automated, automatikoa, and semi-automated types. Prices adjust in accordance with the degree of automation and the required daily output. Please email us detailing your specific needs, and we will provide options that suit your budget.

  • The price range for Fully Automated Block Machine Plant systems is between US $550,000 ia 1.500.000 dolarretara
  • Automatic Block Machine Plant systems are available from US $150,000 guri $450,000
  • Semi-Automated Block Machine Plant systems can be purchased within US $15,000 – AEB $60,000.

Can Your Machines Produce Other Items Apart from Concrete Blocks and Paving Stones?

  • Indeed, our machines are capable of producing a vast range of products just by altering the molds. Certain machine models are better suited and more beneficial for crafting specific products.
  • Our machines have produced an extensive array of concrete items. Here are a few among the hundreds that our equipment has manufactured.
  • Items include Concrete hollow core building blocks, Eraikuntza-bloke solidoak, Elkarri lotuta dauden kale-zolatzaileak, Hormigoiaren Higadura Kontrolatzeko blokeak, Adreilu trinkoak eta tunelak, Insulated building blocks, Mortarrik gabeko eraikuntza-blokeak, Euste-horma blokeak, eta gehiago.

Do You Offer International Shipping for Your Equipment?
Erabat. We have a proven track record of worldwide equipment shipping, including countries and regions like the USA, Kanada, Errusia, Korea, Malaysia, India, Ekialde Hurbila, Ipar Afrika, Iran, China, etab. Dena kontuan hartuta, our concrete machinery equipment has made its way to over 100 countries and regions.

Informazio Gehigarria

[email protected]
0086 13811437192
0086 13811796510