China Concrete Block Making Machine Manufacturers
Produktuaren izena | Txinako hormigoizko blokeak egiteko makina |
Bibrazio-indarra | 80KN |
Bibrazio-potentzia | 2X2.5KW |
Gidatutako Motorra | 1.5kw |
Eragiketa Zikloa | 15~30s |
Garraio Abiadura | 0.1—0.11m/s |
Consider reaching out to REIT for a deeper understanding of China concrete block making machine data and queries about wholesale prices.
Understanding China concrete block making machine:
China concrete block making machine represent dedicated equipment that enables the creation of concrete building blocks, zoladura-unitateak, eta hormigoi aurrefabrikatutako beste hainbat elementu. Makineria garaikide honek nahasteko metodoak arintzen ditu, moldatzen, eta hormigoia ontzea, horrek sendo bat eragiten du, eraginkorra, eta kalitate handiko ekoizpena, eskuzko teknika tradizionalak asko gaindituz. Goi mailako gisa China concrete block making machine manufacturers, REIT eraikuntza-industriaren aurrerapenen abangoardian kokatzen da. Haien ekipamendu bikainak eta berritzaileak Txinan eta mundu osoan eraikitzeko metodologien oinarriak birmoldatzen ari dira.
How Do China concrete block making machine Work?
- Lehengaien karga: The China concrete block making machine is loaded with the necessary ingredients – zementua, harea, legarra, eta ura – eskuz edo elikadura sistema automatizatu baten bidez.
- Nahastea: Materialak abiadura handian nahasten dira, intentsitate handiko nahasgailua hormigoizko nahasketa koherentea sortzeko.
- Moldeatzea: Hormigoizko nahasketa nahi duzun blokearen tamaina eta formako moldeetan isurtzen da, bertan trinkotu eta dardar egiten da aire-poltsak desagerrarazteko eta uniformea bermatzeko, egitura trinkoa.
- Ejekzioa: Behin blokeak osatuta, the China concrete block making machine ejects them from the molds and moves them to a curing area.
- Ontzea: Blokeak denbora tarte batean ontzen eta gogortzen uzten dira, normalean 24-48 orduak, ontziratzeko eta banatzeko kendu aurretik.
The Applications of China concrete block making machine
- Bizitegi-eraikuntza: China concrete block making machine are indispensable for residential construction, providing the essential concrete blocks for building strong foundations, sturdy walls, and other structural components in homes and residential buildings.
- Eraikuntza komertziala: In the realm of commercial construction, China concrete block making machine shine by producing high-quality concrete blocks used in the construction of office buildings, merkataritza zentroak, biltegiak, and other commercial structures.
- Azpiegitura proiektuak: China concrete block making machine play a crucial role in infrastructure projects, zubiak eraikitzeko hormigoizko bloke iraunkorrak hornitzea, autobideak, presak, and other major infrastructure developments.
- Paisaiagintza: To enhance outdoor spaces, China concrete block making machine produce concrete pavers and retaining wall blocks that are widely employed in landscaping projects, including the creation of driveways, patioak, eta euste-hormak.
Tailerra Ikuskizuna
Frequently Asked Questions:
What Is the Price Range of Your Block Making Machine Plants?
The cost of our concrete block making machine facilities varies depending on their complexity and required output. They are categorized into fully automated, automatikoa, and semi-automated systems. Prices change depending on the level of automation and demanded daily output. Feel free to send us an email indicating your particular requirements, and we will offer options within your financial limits.
- Fully Automated Block Machine Plant systems have prices ranging from US $550,000 ia 1.500.000 dolarretara
- Automatic Block Machine Plant systems are priced between US $150,000 guri $450,000
- Semi-Automated Block Machine Plant systems cost from US $15,000 – AEB $60,000.
Can Your Machines Manufacture Products Other than Concrete Blocks and Paving Stones?
- Undeniably, our machines have the ability to produce a plethora of products by just changing the molds. Some machine models are more efficient and profitable when it comes to manufacturing specific products.
- The variety of concrete products our machines have produced is extensive. Below are a few of the hundreds of products manufactured using our equipment.
- The list includes Concrete hollow core construction blocks, Eraikuntza-bloke solidoak, Elkarri lotuta dauden kale-zolatzaileak, Hormigoiaren Higadura Kontrolatzeko blokeak, Adreilu trinkoak eta tunelak, Insulated building blocks, Mortarrik gabeko eraikuntza-blokeak, Euste-horma blokeak, among others.
Do You Ship Your Equipment Internationally?
Bai, indeed. We have successfully handled equipment deliveries worldwide, including locations such as USA, Kanada, Errusia, Korea, Malaysia, India, Ekialde Hurbila, Ipar Afrika, Iran, Txina, etab. In total, our concrete machinery equipment has reached over 100 territories and regions.