008613811437192 [email protected]
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Gida integrala blokeak egiteko makina

Gida integrala blokeak egiteko makina

Blokeak egiteko makina, hormigoizko bloke makina bezala ere ezaguna, hormigoizko blokeak fabrikatzeko erabiltzen den makina da. Bloke hauek eraikuntza industrian hormak eraikitzeko erabiltzen dira, oinarriak, eta beste egitura batzuk. Block making machines can be...

The best hollow brick machine manufacturers in China

The best hollow brick machine manufacturers in China

Hollow brick machines have become a cornerstone in the construction industry, offering an efficient and eco friendly alternative to conventional building materials. These machines produce bricks with hollow cores, reducing weight while maintaining structural integrity...

Public Holiday for Dragon Boat Festival!

Public Holiday for Dragon Boat Festival!

Bezero maiteak, We will be on public holiday of Dragon Boat Festival from June. 08th, 2024 to June 10th, 2024. Premiazko mesederen bat behar baduzu, Mesedez, utzi mezua WhatsApp-en +86 13811437192.  After service and spare parts...

[email protected]
0086 13811437192
0086 13811796510