Gaur egungo merkatuan dagoen lehia gogorrean, kontsumitzaileen eskubideen eta kontsumitzaileen jarreraren sentsibilizazioak aldatzen diren heinean, kontsumitzaileak ekipamendua erosten ari dira, produktuaren entitateari berari erreparatzeaz gain, antzeko produktuen kalitate eta errendimendu berdinean, but...
Stay True to Our Original Aspiration and Dedicate Our Love and Care, ReTo is Always on the Road
Society provides development space for enterprises. Thus, as a member of the entire society, ReTo Group has been always taking creating continuous value for the society as our mission, and contributes to the society and people as much as we can. Education is the...
REIT shares ring the bell on Nasdaq and will continue to make efforts in the future
Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 24th. At 4:00 p.m. US time on December 22, 2017, Li Hengfang, chairman of REIT Ecological Co., SL. (REIT Shares), and other company executives and company employees held a closing session on Nasdaq in Times Square, New York. Bell...
Artea eta teknologiaren integrazioa: Arte Ederren Akademiak Shougang Jokoei laguntzen die Neguko Olinpiar Jokoetan
REIT Taldeak eta Tsinghua Unibertsitateak lankidetzan aritu ziren Beijingeko Neguko Olinpiar Jokoak laguntzeko. Beijing REIT Technology Development Co., SL., REIT Taldearen filiala, eta Tsinghua Unibertsitateak arrakastaz amaitu zuen "Winter Olympics Celebration Square Outdoor...
Eraikuntza-hondakinen birziklapenari buruzko galdera-erantzunak
G: Zeintzuk dira eraikuntza-hondakinak birziklatzeko sustapen-ereduak? A: PPP modua. PPP (Lankidetza publiko-pribatua), lankidetza publiko-pribatuaren eredua, eredu honen arabera, the government encourages private enterprises to participate in the construction of...
REIT brick machine, aiming at quality, expensive in service
In today's fierce market competition, with the improvement of consumers' awareness of rights protection and changes in consumption concepts, consumers not only pay attention to the product entity itself when purchasing equipment, but also pay more attention to the...