008613811437192 [email protected]
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Nola erosi eta inportatu adreilu eta bloke makina Txinatik?

Nola erosi eta inportatu adreilu eta bloke makina Txinatik?

If you are planning to import block machine from China, galdera asko izan behar dituzu. Nola aukeratu behar duzu bloke makina egokia, adreiluzko makineria automatikoa, Blokeak egiteko makina erdi-automatikoa, edo eskuzko adreiluzko makina? How to ensure block machine product...

China’s High Quality Fully Auto Concrete Brick Making Machine in BEIJING REIT

Fully Auto Block Making Machine in China

Despite the Covid 19 pandemic, production lines at Beijing REIT Company are running at full speed. Besides several circulation systems for customers in Europe, West Africa and South Asia, three fully automatic RT15A, RT9A and RT6A block machines departed the factory...

Start a new journey & Draw a new blueprint together!

Start a new journey & Draw a new blueprint together!

1 .The work meeting was successfully held. Congrats on a successful first meeting of the Reto Group Management Work Conference in 2022. The first Rote Group Management Work Conference was held from June 12th to 13th at the Sheraton Hotel in Haikou. At the meeting,...

REIT Automatic Concrete Block Making Machine

REIT Automatic Concrete Block Making Machine

  RETO Eco-Solutions, Inc. is the earliest company in China to develop, ekoitzi, and export large-scale automatic waste resource utilization equipment. It is also the first block manufacturer that have exported equipment to to developed countries such as USA,...

[email protected]
0086 13811437192
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