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Meeting with REIT India JV company CEO

Meeting with REIT India JV company CEO

REIT India JV company CEO came to REIT headquarters in Beijing to have boarding yearly meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss further marketing plan and technic issue development in India .

REIT bloke automatikoak egiteko makina enpresak horni dezakeena?

REIT bloke automatikoak egiteko makina enpresak horni dezakeena?

REIT bloke automatikoak egiteko makina irtenbide ezin hobea da kalitate handiko adreilu eta salmenta osteko zerbitzu bikaina bilatzen dutenentzat. REIT blokeak fabrikatzeko makina azken teknologia eta kalitate handiko materialekin hornituta dago, ensuring that the bricks...

Why choose REIT fully automatic block making machine?

Why choose REIT fully automatic block making machine?

There are several reasons why someone might choose REIT automatic cement brick manufacturing machines: Higher production capacity: REIT Automatic block manufacturing machines can produce a higher number of solid blocks in a shorter amount of time compared to manual or...

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