008613811437192 [email protected]
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Ongi etorri REIT E7.768 kabina bisitatzera Bauma Azokan azarotik aurrera 26-29 Shanghaiko Nazioarteko Erakusketa Zentro Berrian (Pudong).

Data: Nov. 26th-29th, 2024

Gehitu: Shanghaiko Nazioarteko Erakusketa Zentro Berria (Pudong)

Kabina zenbakia: E7.768

Website: https://www.reitmachine.com/

REIT-i buruz

As a reputable blokeak egiteko makina fabrika, REIT has built a strong reputation for quality and innovation. Our commitment to developing advanced machinery drives us to continuously improve our hormigoizko bloke makina products to meet the evolving demands of the industry. We pride ourselves on offering machines that are efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly.

Participating in the Bauma Fair underscores our dedication to serving the construction sector and expanding our global reach. We are eager to showcase our products and engage with industry professionals who share our passion for quality and innovation.

[email protected]
0086 13811437192
0086 13811796510