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Hormigoizko blokeak egiteko makina production line as a new type of environmental protection machinery and equipment, adreiluzko makinen merkatuan oso ezaguna eta aplikatua izan da. Gaur egun, it has become the main production equipment in the field of environmental protection building materials. Gaur, Xiaoding will take you to understand the details of the inspection work before the use of the concrete block making machine production line and the operation method during the start-up operation.

Check Work Before Power On

1. Check the power problem before turning on

Concrete block equipment adopts a fully automatic production process, and electricity is one of the safety factors that cannot be ignored. In order to avoid some non-human factors equipment damage caused by circuit problems, to ensure production safety. Horregatik, before the boot to check whether each wire is intact, bad to be replaced in time.

2. Check equipment wear

Concrete block equipment, especially the equipment that has been in production for more than one year, according to the statistical law of component wear, maintenance is carried out before the components reach normal wear and aging, to find and eliminate hidden dangers, to avoid late damage of equipment, and to ensure the normal operation of the assembly line.

3. Material debris hard inspection

Can not start the feeder equipment, to avoid overload phenomenon, resulting in damage to equipment parts. Carefully check whether the material produced is doped with larger substances, especially iron solid items, to avoid damage to the mold or other equipment is indirectly damaged.

4. Verification of cleaning and maintenance of spare parts

Before starting the machine, you should first check whether the screws of each part are loose, and apply lubricating oil to each part. After shutdown and shutdown, every corner of the equipment should be cleaned to prevent trivial debris from falling into the equipment and causing abnormal operation or aging acceleration.

5. Cleanup of unrelated personnel

Install all protective covers, zoru-estalkiak eta zigilatzeko sareak aldez aurretik. Erabat debekatuta dago operadoreak ez direnek eskuak edo hondakinak zigilatzeko sareetara hurbiltzea edo zuzenean sartzea.. And clean up the scene before the start of the work has nothing to do with the staff, especially in the direction of the motor is strictly prohibited, segurtasun istripuak saihesteko.

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0086 13811437192
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