Solidoa Wooden Pallets — The Economical and practical options for your bricks/block machine!
Lehengaiak Errusiako ale fineko alertzez eginak dira, fumigatua izan dena, xukatu eta lehortu.
“Double flat grooves” should be opened between the boards and high-strength glue should be added for bonding to increase the stability and durability of the solid wood pallets.
Diametroa duen tira-barra 10 mm ere taularen erdian erabiltzen da, eta lotzeko azkoin bat gehitzen zaio.
Both sides of the board are clamped with “C-type” iron made of galvanized sheet, eta errematxeekin kokatuta.
Azkenik, all pallets are immersed in high temperature oil.The raw materials are all made of Russian fine-grained larch, fumigatua izan dena, xukatu eta lehortu.
“Double flat grooves” should be opened between the boards and high-strength glue should be added for bonding to increase the stability and durability of the solid wood pallets.
Diametroa duen tira-barra 10 mm ere taularen erdian erabiltzen da, eta lotzeko azkoin bat gehitzen zaio.
Both sides of the board are clamped with “C-type” iron made of galvanized sheet, eta errematxeekin kokatuta.
Azkenik, palet guztiak tenperatura altuko olioan murgilduta daude.